4 Temmuz 2016 Pazartesi

3-Ingredient Dark Chocolate Almond Truffle

We are starting the second week of BM#64, and I will be doing 3 dishes with 3 Ingredient Recipes. 

It's been a while since I have been obsessed with these 2 ingredients, 3 ingredients and yes 4 and 5 too. The idea was to explore how one can make delicious dishes with a just handful of ingredients on hand, especially on those days one is challenged to russle up some quick snacks. It didn't mean one has to do chocolates alone!

Well, that sermon was for me and not others who have done some good varieties during their week 1. Ever since I thought of having this theme again, I was thinking I will pick up different dishes, savories, snacks and so on. 

Guess what I ended up with? Only chocolates. By the way, Veena and I finally went shopping and you can blame that for the chocolate dishes that are going to be featured now on. I stocked up enough for many months to come. 

The whole of Sunday was spent cooking some special dishes for my niece and nephew. I don't think I mentioned before about their visit. They have come down for Konda's Birthday and left on Monday. This is the first time I haven't baked anything special for the kids. So I decided I might as well make some quick truffles for them.

So these quick ones came into the picture. These were so good that everything disappeared once they were clicked!

3 Ingredient Dark Chocolate Almond Truffle

Ingredients Needed:

Dark Chocolate compound - 1 cup
Condensed Milk - 1/2 cup
Almonds - as required

How to make the Truffles

Chop and melt the dark chocolate in MW for a minute. Add the condensed milk and whisk well.

Scoop into the chocolate moulds using a spoon. Stuff each moulds with an almond piece. You can roast the almonds for 30 secs in MW before doing this.

Freeze for 20 to 30 mins or till set.

If you want some Eggless Tea Cakes, then check out this Vegan Wheat Banana Bread

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing this BM

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